| Eight-year-old Charles Kent was diagnosed with T Cell Leukemia on October 18, 2022. He has written this book to share his thoughts with others about how to get through hard times by finding the positive in life and by looking for silver linings. $10.00 |
 | Protect your marriage with Armour of Light. Each lesson incorporates self-reflection while providing activities to protect different aspects of your relationship with God and your spouse. Armour of Light is intended to help strengthen and fortify your defenses against the enemy. $19.98 |
 | This is the story of Olivia, an active and smart 12-year-old who was diagnosed with cancer before the end of her sixth grade school year. While fighting and overcoming the disease only to have it return, getting sepsis and nearly dying, Olivia's faith was put to the test. But the power of God, the emotional strength of her family, and the support of healthcare workers gave Olivia the life she has today. $20.00 |
 | Celebrating its 100th anniversary, The Prophet is not a book of analytic philosophy and it is not a simple self-help book. It is a work of offered wisdom that flies to the heavens on the wings of its imaginative prose and lands again on the solid ground right next to the reader where it is most needed. List Price: $17.95 On Sale Now! $12.95 |
 | James P. Moss, M.D. has been on the road to Recovery for 25 years. Here, he's collected a treasure trove of timeless wisdom into a complete, alphabetical, easy-to-reference volume, offering support and guidance on over 400 topics for others to use in their own moments of struggle on their Recovery journey. $19.95 |
 | Therese Ketterer shares wisdom she has gained from her experience as a widow and suggestions she hopes will help those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, as well as those who want to support and console them as well. $19.95 |
 | Meet Jason Koger, the first bilateral upper arm amputee in the world to be fitted with two multi-articulating bionic hands. He is a record-setting hunter, a TV and film personality, a sought-after speaker, and the most proficient bionic hand-user in the world. How did he do it? What is his source of strength? $24.95 |
 | In this poignant and moving memoir, Stan "JR" Zerkowski bravely recounts his personal struggle to face and embrace his identity as a gay man and to reconcile it with his deeply rooted Polish Catholicism. Telling his own story and stories of others who, for whatever reason, face rejection, discrimination, and judgment, Zerkowski issues a prophetic call within the Catholic Church for healing, compassion, dignity, and inclusion. $29.95 |
 | Marcus Aurelius, one of the last great emperors of Rome, was one of the strongest proponents of the philosophy of stoicism. He wrote these notebooks for himself – to help stay on the right course toward living a moral, useful, and rewarding life. List Price: $19.95 On Sale Now! $14.95 |
 | At 85, Gene Moutoux continues to search for answers to metaphysical, moral, psychological, sociological, and historical questions. In this latest book, he writes dozens of essays on a wide variety of topics, from the existence of God to the cruelty of factory farming, pacifism, determinism, utopias, near-death experiences, utilitarianism, Randian morality, and much more. $17.95 |
 | Choose to be 50 and fabulous! Author Jill Jones's fun, lighthearted book shares frank and funny tips and tools for how to take control of the big changes and surprises that may be coming your way in "midlife." $17.95 |
 | Courtney Robison-Dixon's life mission is to help young women build the inner strength, confidence, and competence they need to live their lives in real time,in a world dominated by social media timelines. Her relatable, supportive, life-changing advice will empower girls to realize that they are women of passion, with a purpose in life, and the power to influence the world in a positive way. $20.00 |
 | Douglas Cobb, founder of the Finishing Fund, provides a front-line account of the effort to finish Jesus' Great Commission in our lifetimes. He also explores nine other Biblical clues that Jesus is coming soon, and offers practical instruction about what it means to "live holy and godly lives" as we look for the coming of our Lord and King. $14.95 |
 | Transform your marriage with Walk in Love. Each chapter is paired with practical ideas to better your marriage through the use of God's word. Walk in Love is designed to help you reflect on the state of your marriage and take action to enhance it. $14.98 |
 | Robin T. Jennings shows us how St. Peter uniquely speaks to us today and, through his vision, we see our life in Christ and grow into a new and more fulfilling life. $14.95 |
 | Chris Fulkerson loves F words. She talks about them every day. Her favorites are food, fashion, fun, and friendship. She is passionate about giving women the tools to enjoy life more through good food, good fashion, strong female friendships, and good old-fashioned fun. The only way to change your life is to change your choices. What you wear and eat, who your friends are, and whether you take time for fun are choices that help you create your personal dream. $28.00 |
 | When Carrey Dewey was diagnosed at age 42 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), she became determined to spend what life she had left advocating for ALS research and educating people about the disease. Kickin' ALS is a compilation of Carrey's personal Facebook posts, written from shortly after her diagnosis in June 2014 until just before her death in May 2018. It is a powerful and poignant chronicle of one woman's experience with the disease that is 100 percent fatal. List Price: $24.95 On Sale Now! $20.00 |
 | After a tormented childhood, years of drug abuse, and conviction for armed robbery, Kevin McDonald founded a landmark residential rehabilitation program in Durham, North Carolina. In the midst of today's opioid epidemic, this story chronicling David's life, path to recovery and successful rehab program offers a beacon of hope. $19.95 |
 | The Boom Project is a unique and extraordinary anthology that celebrates baby boomer experiences and perspectives, filled with writing that is provocative, lush, witty, accessible, and universal. This collection of stories, essays, and poems are relatable to anyone who has ever searched for identity, connections, and a place to call home. $24.95 |
 | Designed for use by couples, marriage classes, and group studies, author Antria Goss's new book provides ten lessons focused on a different biblical couple and applies that couple's story to today's marriages. $14.98 |
 | Steve Flairty's fifth collection of well-told stories recognizing the most important – not the most famous – people in our beloved state of Kentucky. These stories about real members of our statewide community will warm your heart, inspire you, and make you feel more positive about the human condition. $14.00 |
 | After the ink dries on the divorce decree, how can fathers remain active and relevant in their kids' lives? After his own divorce, author Steve Adams decided he wanted a more meaningful role in the lives of his children. He turned around his priorities, focused on parenting, and established a set of principles. They worked for him. He believes they'll work for any divorced father. $24.95 |
 | Fr. Larry Hehman has facilitated a divine conversation by preaching The Word and providing moments that encourage everyone to listen deeply beyond his words, consider mysteries beyond human understanding, and become more and more aware of God's own voice and presence in a dialogue that can only be understood by grace. $20.00 |
 | APRN Kim Evans describes how the United States can transform its broken disease-care system into a model of compassion focused on health, wellness, and disease prevention. More than simply criticizing our ailing healthcare system, Evans brings practical solutions that can reform the system from top to bottom. $24.95 |
 | A poignant dilemma faces many interfaith couples. At the death of the beloved, how does one honor the faith of a deceased spouse and still have a funeral liturgy that consoles the survivor? Funerals for Interfaith Families is an innovative book to help priests, rabbis, and lay people create funeral services that meet the needs of couples in interfaith marriages. $27.95 |
 | Author Eugene Moutoux examines Christianity's origin, its purported revelations, its sacred book, its moral principles, its doctrines, its theology, its history, and its effects on society. The purpose of the book is to show that religious certainty flies in the face of evidence and rational thought, and that doubt ought to be a sine qua non for Christians. $17.95 |
 | A lovely full-color book of photographs showcasing over 90 oil paintings and watercolors Jerry has created over the last five decades of his life. His works of art are a testament to Jerry's ability, through his creative lens, to see extraordinary beauty and mystery in ordinary life, and to inspire us to live our own lives more creatively, more deeply, more richly, and more fully. $50.00 |
 | In this book on leadership, author Tom Harper spins a Biblical leadership fable full of twists and confrontations as employees try to save their company — and themselves. The book also includes scripture-based lessons to help leaders unlock reality in their own organizations. $12.99 |
 | As an award-winning performing artist, educator, composer, author, and life transformation coach, Harry Pickens shares a lifetime of wisdom condensed into 38 brief essays exploring creativity, purpose, music, and the keys to a meaningful life. $20.00 |
 | When former Roman Catholic priest and licensed clinical social worker Don Vowels was diagnosed with cancer during a routine colonoscopy in January 2012, he started writing a journal on the Caring Bridge website to inform family and friends of his health status and to use writing as a method for processing his emotional, mental, and spiritual reactions to living with cancer. In his journal entries, the theme of practicing present-moment awareness emerged as a powerful tool to bring peace. This is the collection of Don's writings and journey. $20.00 |
 | Much more than a fine book on handwriting analysis, this is a treatise about life, human nature, and the human experience. Believing "the examined life moves naturally into the deeper questions of philosophical meanings, into the moral and ethical aspects of life," the author draws upon the wisdom of the ages found in classical literature to provide this focused and fascinating look into human nature, both material and spiritual. $25.00 |
 | As human beings, we all need to be reminded of our undiscovered spiritual depth. We have many opportunities to become aware of and to continue to emerge into the sacred mystery we are: a seed of Incomprehensible Mystery. Here, Barbara Pierce MacDonald illuminates ways we can enhance our fullness of life, joy, compassion, and loving-kindness and find inner peace. $18.00 |
 | Walk along with the Koesters family as they take you down woodland paths, through wildflower meadows, across wetlands, along riverbanks, around pristine lakes and up to waterfalls. Be inspired to slow down, savor nature, take time with your family, and even enjoy a local ice cream treat after your walk. It's time to get out and Take A Walk, Louisville! $19.95 |
 | Steve Flairty's fourth collection of well-told stories recognizing the most important — not the most famous — people in our beloved Kentucky. These stories about real members of our statewide community will warm your heart, inspire you, and just generally make you feel more positive about the human condition. $14.00 |
 | Ten-year-old Kadee Sterling has it all — a nice home, a happy life, and a loving family. Soon, though, she faces the biggest challenge of her young life: cancer. Are her family and her faith enough to help her survive? $20.00 |
 | Veteran potter and teacher Melvin D. Rowe provides a wealth of creative inspiration and insightful tips for creating over 200 unique pottery pieces that can actually be used. $29.95 |
 | After years of research and personal transitions, 71-year-old author Sharon P. S. Marx has written the definitive guide to dating later in one's life. In it, she dispels the common myths and anxieties and outlines specific steps that can lead to a personally gratifying relationship at any age. With wit, candor, and a lighthearted conversational style, Marx urges her contemporaries to get out into the real world and start dating again -- because companionship never grows old. $16.95 |
 | Diabetes is now the nation's sixth leading cause of death. It is the leading cause of new cases of blindness, of non-traumatic leg amputation, and of dialysis or renal transplantation. It is also among the leading causes of heart disease and stroke. The good news is, we know how to stop diabetes. But it will take public and political will, as well as a commitment to take action at the community, state, and federal levels. Here, authors Gilbert H. Friedell, MD, and J. Isaac Joyner, MPH, outline a game plan to make that change happen. We can all act now to save lives, save money and save our nation. This book will show you how. $24.95 |
 | This inspiring and informative book reveals the strategies, tools, and culture that completely transformed the Greater Clark County Indiana School District, with 10,600 students in 19 schools, over a three-year period, increasing its student achievement scores in literacy by 26% and in mathematics by 35%. $29.95 |
 | The popular radio essay series focuses its attention on Kentucky voices and themes in this new book from This I Believe, Inc. Here, 60 authors who are either from Kentucky or who are writing about Kentucky provide thoughtful explorations of their core values and guiding principles, including Muhammad Ali, Tori Murden McClure, Frank X Walker, Silas House, Sena Jeter Naslund, and many others from all walks of life. $19.95 |
 | After being diagnosed with prostate cancer himself, author Charles Eric Green found that prostate cancer is often too taboo a subject for public discussion among most men. He wrote this book to help change the public conversation about prostate health, and to help men communicate with other men about this very important subject. $20.00 |
 | This collection of essays, hand-picked by former Courier-Journal Book Editor Keith Runyon, offers a decade's worth of the author's rich insights, reflecting on the many challenges and wonderments that the world offers us, and providing "markers along the path" as we make our way along the circular path to our personal center. $19.95 |
 | On December 17, 1999, Rev. Henry White's 18-year-old son and only child was killed in an automobile accident. Throughout his grieving process and in a support group for similarly grieving parents, he discovered that many friends, counselors, and loved ones, while they wanted to be helpful and supportive, needed guidance on how to properly do so. This book will help ministers in particular, and others in general, know how better to console grieving parents who experience the worst tragedy a parent can know: the death of a child. $12.95 |
 | In this unique book, Dr. Fred Schloemer addresses a little-discussed area of family health: how to parent children who have become adults themselves. With issues ranging from overdependence to estrangement, step-parenting, substance abuse, and more, the book offers a variety of case studies from Schloemer's years of practice, and reveals insights and interventions to help parents of adult children deal with these very real but often overlooked issues. $19.95 |
 | In this tell-all book revealing the news behind the news, veteran Emmy-award-winning TV news anchor John Boel shares 25 years of fascinating stories from one side of the camera, then takes readers to the other side, telling the whole story of his powerful journey through the public shame of two high-profile DUI arrests and his gradual recovery and self-discovery. $19.95 |
 | Stricken by a major stroke at age 35, Andrew Fisher tells the amazing story of his sudden illness and the innovative neurologist at the University of Louisville Hospital whose treatment saved his life. Told with an unflinching honesty, Andrew's story is riveting and alarming, yet uplifting and hopeful. $15.00 |
 | Throughout her colorful career—as Miss America and First Lady of Kentucky, and as a pioneering sportscaster, entrepreneur, actor and author—Phyllis George has had to take risks, overcome challenges, and reinvent herself many times in her life. In Never Say Never, she reveals how an indomitable spirit, positive outlook, courage and adaptability has helped her—and can help you—face and learn lessons from each challenging chapter in life. $19.95 |
 | Dr. Clifford Kuhn has modeled his psychiatric practice and his therapeutic mission around the use of humor to overcome stress and fear, survive grief and setbacks, heal the body and mind, and achieve something increasingly elusive today: being happy! $24.00 |
 | Rather than living luxuriously, Louisville industrialist and philanthropist H. Charles Grawemeyer wanted to use his wealth to, in his words, "help make the world a better place." In 1984 he endowed the Grawemeyer Awards, a series of awards established to pay homage to creativity and genius in areas of human endeavor too much ignored by other awards: in Music, Political Science, Education, Religion and Psychology. The Power of Ideas is the second volume in commemoration of these awards and their recipients—picking up where the first volume left off, in 1997, to showcase the last 10 years of profound innovations. $24.95 |
 | As the definitive collection of stories and photographs compiled from the archives of Sister Cities International and its members, this beautiful keepsake volume documents, for the first time, the rich and colorful history of the sister city movement around the world. A 50th anniversary commemorative book. $39.95 |
 | A penchant for grammar led Eugene Moutoux to a thorough study of sentence diagramming. Throughout his life he has taught at four universities and three high schools, and written books on sentence diagramming, Latin derivatives and the German language. In Drawing Sentences, Moutoux offers anyone interested in sentence diagramming an informative and instructional guide. $36.95 |
 | Dr. Condict Moore outlines his simple program of seven essential exercises for overcoming and correcting the damages caused by modern inactive lifestyles and lifelong bad sitting habits. $14.95 |
 | Dr. John Buchino writes about that most prevalent and unrecognized pastime in America: sitting on the front porch. In this quirky and fun collection, Buchino extols the heady virtues of the porching life, and makes a strong case for porching's health and wellness benefits. $19.95 |
 | A perfect guide to simple, convenient and low-cost nature excursions, all in the Louisville area. Whether you're looking for an hour's walk or a day's hike, this book offers a family-friendly guide to over 30 natural areas and over 50 miles of walking paths and hiking trails, complete with detailed descriptions of venue amenities and natural features. Photographs throughout. $19.95 |
 | Father Jerry Eifler's first collection of homilies, first published in May 2003 and reprinted to continue Father Eifler's legacy. Over a decade later, Linger and Be Available still offers the same timeless insight and spiritual wisdom that parishioners and readers have long enjoyed from the Roman Catholic priest and author. $14.95 |
 | In this gentle and contemplative volume, Father Jerry Eifler continues his exploration of spiritual issues with a new compilation of essays and homilies about the journey from birth to death—and what we should leave behind as we go. Includes a foreword by Dr. Paul J. Weber. $14.95 |
 | This is Father Jerry Eifler's third and newest collection of homilies, focused on identifying and embracing the origins and sources of life's moments. Doing this, Eifler writes, allows us to embrace reality and leads us to the true presence of God. $14.95 |
 | This small but crucial guide shows you in easy-to-understand language how to identify and treat a range of common travel maladies, especially useful for adventure travelers. The book also addresses more general issues to help you get the most out of your journeys. $4.95 |